far cry

GDC - Far Cry Primal: Character Pipeline & Customization System

This is the trailer for the talk I will co-presenting at GDC 2017 with Julien Lallevé, about the Character Pipeline and Customization System of Far Cry Primal.  We'll be speaking on March 2nd at 10am.

Our talk will cover two major aspects of the new character pipeline we developed for Far Cry Primal.  First, the new modelling pipeline, which supports both 3DS Max and Maya, so we can leverage the skills of all our artists.  We'll describe our artists' workflow and how we build tools that run in both software packages.  In the second part of the presentation we'll dive into Wolfskin, our new character customization system, which we've integrated into the game engine as well as the modelling packages.  Using Wolfskin our artists can assemble characters from different meshes and materials, and other properties, and we'll show our user-friendly method of creating complex rules to resolve conflicts between combinations.

Our talk is targeting programmers, artists, and technical directors.  You can check out the trailer, above, or get more info on the GDC website.


Far Cry Primal - Bringing the Stone Age to Life

A behind the scenes look at how we brought the Stone Age to life on Far Cry Primal.  Through the video you get a look at the creation of the primitive language of the tribes, movement and vocal coaching, and our performance capture studio at Ubisoft Toronto.

Digital Survivors

There's an article on fxguide about how we created the characters for Far Cry 3.  I did an interview with them and we talked about topics covered in the Autodesk 3December 2012 event, and some more behind the scenes of the game, as well as more in depth look at the motion capture process.  It also covers extra topics from Marc Beaudoin’s GDC talk about “Enhancing Performance Capture”.  Great in depth look at characters and animation on Far Cry 3.


Enhancing Performance Capture on Far Cry 3

At GDC 2012 Marc Beaudoin, one or our talented technical directors from our Mocap Studio, gave a talk about Enhancing Performance Capture on Far Cry 3 with Autodesk Motion Builder.  In the middle there are some slides I made about facial animation and you can see the facial retargeting and animation I did on one of our characters using Ubisoft's internally developed facial animation software, followed by a comparison video after an animator has done a final polish pass over it in Motion Builder.  Very cool stuff.  Enjoy!